David Dowland's 12 pound 12 ounce catch secured victory on the River Stour.

Dowland took the top spot in the match on Sunday (September 25), beating Austin Dawes, who came second with a catch weighing 12 pounds four ounces.

Stuart Fleming took third place with a catch of nine pounds 14 ounces.

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The match was held under the threat of severe weather conditions, with anglers fearing rain, thunder, and lightning.

Despite this, they decided to proceed with the match, agreeing to make a decision to continue or not if the predicted storms arrived.

Most of the anglers hoped to draw the Sports Club in Shipston, which has been fishing well.

Dowland was fortunate enough to draw the first peg, with Steve King drawing the second, Phil Outram with the third, and the last went to Stuart Fleming.

Dowland said: "I had one of my best days on the Stour.

"I caught lots of dace and small chub on the swimfeeder.

"I can also say that this was the most dace that I've caught on the river for year, and it was more than I expected at the start."

The anglers were relieved when the worst of the bad weather missed them, starting to get heavy after they had escaped the rising Stour.