Despite only a few events scheduled over the weekend, plenty of Bourton Roadrunners kept active.

Janet Balinski was among those keeping busy, opting to get on her bike for a long, 77-mile ride at the Mendips Classic Cycling Festival.

The route was a challenging and hilly stretch through the Mendip Hills, which Balinski completed in six hours, 19 minutes and 22 seconds.

Read more: Bourton Roadrunner slashes half-marathon PB by three minutes

Susan Hunt, another Roadrunner, kept her feet on the gravel in the re-established Horton Six following a year's break.

The undulating six-mile rural course passes through Horton and Horley, which Hunt finished in 51 minutes and 54 seconds.

Over in Newnham Park, Devon, Linda Edwards participated in the Hope Trail Festival.

The 1,550-acre estate provided a five-mile trail course for runners to complete multiple laps within a 12, 24 or 36 hour period.

Opting for the 12-hour option, Edwards completed six laps, while her friend Cathy managed five, securing them third-place in their category.

John Harding, along with some neighbours, tackled the Thames Footpath Hike as they fundraised for Macmillan.

Losing their way slightly, the group covered 25.58 miles of the 26.2-mile route in nine hours and eight minutes.

Away from the trails, several Bourton Roadrunners took part in the weekend's parkruns.

Chris Dry ran at Cheltenham's Pittville Park, clocking in at 26 minutes and 10 seconds.

At Chipping Norton School, Kate Price completed in 36 minutes and six seconds.

Over in Cirencester, Rebecca Townsend finished in 22 minutes and 49 seconds, while Louise Townsend clocked in at 30 minutes and 58 seconds.

Tim Carter ran a mightily impressive 19 minutes at Conwy.

In Evesham, Alex Wilson finished in 26 minutes and 24 seconds.

Hunt, not tired from her exertions on the previous day, clocked in at 25 minutes and 49 seconds in Stratford-upon-Avon.

Edward Hare took an excursion to Finland, running a solid 20 minutes and 29 seconds in Tokoinranta, Helsinki.

At Wolford Wood Dougal Hamilton-Smith clocked 22 minutes and eight seconds, Louise Hamilton-Smith got a course personal best with 29 minutes and 43 seconds, and Liz Hulcup completed in the course in 29 minutes and 44 seconds.