A PETITION set up as a "last resort" to save a toilet in Stow has been signed by more than 1,200 people.

The move came after Cotswold District Council announced that it would be closing the public toilets in Stow's Market Square on September 30 as part of their cost-cutting measures to the surprise of residents and businesses. 

CDC had been in talks with the town council to transfer ownership, however the councils could not come to an agreement. 

The decision to close the toilets has left a former councillor 'flabbergasted' and worried for the future of the town.

Maggie Deacon, a former Stow Town Council councillor, said: "It was all too late in my view. 

"The people on the council have lots of ideas. 

"The thing at the moment is that there's nothing to stop people from holding the door open for someone else, if it had for example a turnstile put in it could have made a difference. 

"Had CDC given a year instead of a few weeks notice, maybe it would have been considered.

"We are a tourist town and I volunteer at a charity shop and almost every other customer asks the question about where the nearest toilet is. 

"When they are closed I will have to tell them that it is a 10 minute walk downhill and then they will have to walk back up a fairly steep hill, which if you are fit and healthy is ok but not if you are elderly."

CDC has pointed out that the town will not be left without the facility as the public toilets on  Maugersbury Road will remain open.

Ms Deacon continued: "The council has organised a petition and it has over 1,200 signatures. 

"Given that the town has an adult population of around 1,682, more than 70% have signed it which is pretty good. 

"When I first heard about the plans I was flabbergasted because we are a tourist town and we rely on visitors."

Stow had 1905 residents in 2023, almost 200 less than in 2001 and 740 residents above the age of 65, almost double the national average. 

Councillor Mike Evemy, deputy leader of Cotswold District Council said: “Last week I met with Stow on the Wold Town Council and Stow ward councillor Dilys Neill to discuss the provision of public toilets in Stow on the Wold and received the petition asking us to keep the Town Square toilets open.

“Cotswold District Council's challenging financial position has not changed, but we are considering options that would allow us to make the financial savings the council needs whilst continuing to provide the services that residents want.

"The council will consider the petition at the next full council meeting on September 25. 

"We intend to provide an update on the facilities shortly having considered the viable options.”