Work to repair a historic bridge damaged in a crash is set to begin in the coming weeks.

Warwickshire County Council has provided an update on the repair schedule for Bidford-on-Avon River Bridge, which was damaged in August when a car collided with the inner walls, damaging the parapet and cutwater.

The structure of the bridge on the B4085 Honeybourne Road was damaged, and the completion of the repair work is estimated for the end of November, depending on weather and river levels.

Currently, the road is closed to vehicles while engineers carry out significant work that is essential to the repair process.

This includes instructing specialist stonemasons, sourcing appropriate materials, and designing scaffolding and access arrangements.

The bridge is a Scheduled Ancient Monument, and applications for consent to the repair work have been made to Historic England and the Avon Navigation Trust, with the application to ANT still pending.

To accommodate diverted traffic, temporary traffic lights were put on Binton Bridge in Welford-on-Avon to control traffic from Evesham Road.

Repairs to that bridge, and resurfacing of the road, have been suspended for the duration of the works to repair Bidford Bridge.

Disruption will be minimised with additional necessary maintenance to the bridge being carried out at the same time as the forthcoming repair.

Councillor Jan Matecki, portfolio holder for transport and planning at Warwickshire County Council, said: "We know that people have been wondering when the work would be carried out and I can assure commuters that there has been a lot of work going on to get repairs done as quickly as possible and reopen the road.

"We are committed to supporting businesses and the message that the town is open is paramount.

"A request to upgrade signs, emphasising that it is business as usual, on various approaches to Bidford's High Street has been actioned.

"I would like to extend our thanks to adjacent landowners and the Parish Council who have provided space and access around the bridge to coordinate repairs.

"That will be critical in getting work done as quickly as possible."