A KEYLESS car was stolen from an Oxfordshire housing estate by a group of males using a scanning device, police have said.  

The incident happened on Monday, September 2 between 1am and 5am. 

Thames Valley Police said "three suspicious males" were seen in the Windrush and Colwell Green estates of Witney using a scanning device to obtain the signal of keys for cars with keyless entry systems.

One car was stolen, but the group tried to obtain at least three cars.

Thames Valley Police said the males were all dressed in black with one male carrying a back pack and using the device.

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The force has now issued a warning to keyless car owners.

"Due to the nature of this type of crime owners are unaware their car had been stolen until the next morning," it said. 

"If you own a similar car, please consider getting a signal blocking pouch to inhibit the signal from your car key.

"If you notice anything suspicious in your neighbourhood please do not hesitate to contact the police on 101 or 999."