A PUB has received a flood of support after applying for planning permission for its marquee despite concerns over it being an eyesore.

The Seagrave Arms, in Weston Subedge, located in a 400-year-old listed building has applied for retrospective planning permission for its outdoor marquee.

Despite concerns over parking and the marquee being an eyesore, the plans have received a flurry of support from residents who say that the pub is "a vital social hub for the village".

Henry Johnson who lives near the pub, said: "The Seagrave Arms is a vital social hub for the village and has developed very positively since being taken over after several previous failures in recent history.

"Being able to use the outside seating area in all weather means the pub is always accessible for non diners and makes for an overall pleasant and convenient experience.

"We live close by the pub and we can occasionally hear the infrequent live music events when in our garden.

"We don't find it intrusive at all and the allowed hours are always respected.

"The increased and vital usage of the facility does present additional challenges for parking in the village.

"I believe a well thought out plan to propose solutions is possible with the existing facilities at the village's disposal."

Cotswold District Council is currently assessing the application but should come to a decision before September 19.

William Carruthers who also lives in the village and objected to the plans for a number of reasons including its design, highways and its impact on the Cotswold AOAB. 

Mr Carruthers said: "The design is inconsistent with the existing building and is an eyesore on what is a listed building, located in a conservation area. 

"The construction materials do not blend with the existing permanent structure. 

"The large increase in floor area of the whole facility leads to additional parking requirements.

"Patrons are parking on Friday Street, on the pavement and on a T junction causing a highway safety risk.

"This is despite the white advisory no parking lines outside the facility.

"Patrons park wherever they can including on pavements and in Cider Mill Orchard and Evesham Road."

The application has received 26 comments, 23 in support, two who object, and one general comment.

The Seagrave Arms has been approached for comment.