The Cotswolds MP has re-iterated his opposition to plans to develop Moreton.

Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown has met with councillors from the district, county and town councils that represent Moreton, along with members of Moreton Against Overdevelopment to discuss Cotswold District Council's plans to develop the town.

At the meeting, the campaign team presented its petition showing 96% of Moreton residents were against more houses being built in the town.

The plan from CDC would see at least 1,500 more homes built in Moreton on top of the 900 already built since 2011 resulting in Moreton growing by 184%. 

The MP called the plan excessive and not for local people as there would be no extra jobs to support the influx of residents. 

He also acknowledged that the town wasn't capable of supporting the extra people with the already heavily congested A46, overstretched local services and sewage system.

Sir Geoffrey said: "I am absolutely behind this campaign, and I fully endorse the sentiments of the residents.

"I will work alongside them and any other parties to persuade the council to draw up more reasonable and proportionate plans for the town.

"I am committed to supporting residents in whatever capacity I can and will vigorously advocate for their views with the district council, through the local press and in Parliament.”

Sir Geoffrey formally rejected the CDC plans in April. 

The plans would place nearly half the planned housing for the district in just one town.

Robert Eastoe, Moreton Town Council councillor, said: "He appeared to listen but it was just talk, we need action. 

"We have already seen a 56% increase in the town and we all know the infrastructure is not there.

"When everyone else has had their fair share of housing since 2010 then let's talk. 

"The plan would include 50% of the district's social housing and we know a lot of the services they require are based in the south of the county, it doesn't make any sense."

The Moreton Against Overdevelopment campaign team was pleased to have Sir Geoffrey's backing.

Sue Stapely from Moreton Against Overdevelopment said: "We were very pleased that he made a genuine effort to engage, ask appropriate questions and take copious notes. 

The campaign team was delighted to meet with him to discuss overdevelopment in Moreton and we are pleased with his promise to support the campaign. 

"We look forward to working with him in the future."