OVER 2,500 pints of beer have been drunk at a "community event" in a Cotswold town.

The Shipston Beer Festival took place on July 13 and had over 400 people attend.

The event was organised by Shipston Rugby Club and Stour Valley Lions. 

Nick Underwood, from Shipston Beer Festival, said: "It is something we put on every two years in conjunction with Stour Valley Lions who are raising money for Shipston First Responders.

"Sarah Jarvis, a supporter of the event was there to hand over the vehicle. 

"The festival was family-oriented during the day with kids entertainment and it progressed to more of a grown-up setting in the evening with live music which was absolutely fantastic.

"Over 400 people attended the event and a good time was had by all."

The event was held at the Shipston Rugby Club from 2pm till midnight, with ales, ciders and prosecco available.

Mr Underwood continued: "We had 26 different real ales and I think we drank over 2,500 pints of beer during the day. 

"We also had eight relatively local ciders and prosecco.

"It was a good family-focused event and we had a similar number to last time although the weather wasn't as good. 

"I think some people were put off by the black clouds looming and football on the following day.

"To get through 2,500 pints of beer is great though, everyone was enjoying themselves and having a good time, someone said Shipston does it again, last week the Shipston Proms and now this."

This was the third beer festival in Shipston with the first one being in 2020. 

Shipston First Responders were also formally handed their new vehicle by Appeal Patron Dr Sarah Jarvis MBE. 

Stuart Eastbury, leader of the Shipston First Responders said. “We are so very grateful to the people and the major charities in and around Shipston on Stour who came together to support us.

"Without hesitation, these charities worked closely to raise funds for our new vehicle.

"We have a great working relationship and meet with them regularly.

"It has been incredibly heart-warming to have this fantastic support from our community."