Parents-to-be across Herefordshire and Worcestershire are being reminded that 'baby movements matter' in a new campaign.

The Herefordshire and Worcestershire Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) has launched its #MovementsMatter initiative to encourage expectant parents to contact their maternity team if they have any concerns about their baby's movements.

The campaign also aims to prompt family and friends to support this by urging expectant parents to seek help from the professionals at the earliest opportunity.

According to the LMNS, a baby's movement should become recognisable as a pattern from between 16 and 24 weeks of pregnancy and this movement should continue until birth.

Should this movement change or cause concern, regardless of the reason for concern, the #MovementsMatter campaign implores parents to contact maternity triage.

Rachel Duckett, obstetric lead at the LMNS, said: "Once your baby starts to move, it should keep on moving.

"You should start to recognise a pattern and it shouldn’t stop.

"If the movement stops, slows down, or changes - or you’re worried for any reason, pick up the phone and call Maternity Triage immediately."

The campaign also addresses the use of home Doppler tests, highlighting that these are not a reliable indicator of the baby's wellbeing.

Even if a heartbeat is detected, it does not necessarily mean that the baby is in good health.

Amie Symes, associate director of midwifery at Wye Valley NHS Trust, said: "We’re also using the campaign to raise awareness that home Doppler tests are not reliable.

"Even if you detect a heartbeat it doesn’t mean your baby is well.

"If your baby’s movements change, call Maternity Triage."

For more information about the campaign, and advice on associated support, visit the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System website.

The phone number for maternity triage at Worcestershire Royal Hospital is 01905 733196, and for County Hospital in Hereford, it is 07990 986517.