A GROUP from the Cirencester area took part in a protest in London attended by an estimated 60,000 people on Saturday.

The group left Cirencester’s Beeches car park by coach at 8.30am on June 22 to participate in the Restore Nature Now march, which saw participation from figures including actress Dame Emma Thompson, Ecotricity founder Dale Vince and naturalist Chris Packham.

An estimated 60,000 protesters marched from Hyde Park to the Houses of Parliament in London, urging politicians to act to protect the environment.

The march began at 12.30pm and protesters walked calmly in a line, led by Dame Emma and Chris Packham, who held a banner reading "Restore Nature Now".

People from the Cirencester group attended for many different reasons.

Some were involved with environmental organisations or animal and bird charities like the RSPB, while others were simply concerned about the state of the natural world.

One member of the group, Peter Wiggin, works as a volunteer at Slimbridge Wetland Centre near Stroud.

Participant Mike Walsh said: “I have been a postie and worked all round the local Cotswold villages over the last 18 years.

“I have seen changes for the worse happening in all aspects of nature in that relatively short time.

“For example, it is no longer a problem cleaning insects off the front of vehicles during the summer - they are just not there anymore.”