AN ART gallery in a Cotswold town will host an open evening during its summer exhibition. 

John Davies Gallery in Moreton will be holding the open evening on June 27 to celebrate the retirement of the owner's long serving personal assistant.

Ann Dearnaley has been John Davies's PA for over 15 years and decided to retire to have more time for herself and to allow her to travel whilst she is still able to do so. 

The open evening will be by invitation only.

Thea Davies, Mr Davies's daughter, said: "On June 27 between 6 and 8.30pm we will be hosting a open evening. 

"The focus will be on our summer exhibition which has a variety of artists, and to also thank John Davies's longstanding personal assistant who has been with him for 16 years. 

"The evening will be dedicated to her and people will be able to wish her well. 

"There will be prosecco and canapes and John will make a speech."

The summer exhibition features over 100 pieces of artwork. 

Mr Davies said: "We have been in this location for 15 or maybe 16 years now and her retirement seemed like a jolly good excuse to hold an open evening. 

"The summer exhibition has over 100 pieces and they are tremendous, I think people will be quite taken away with it.

"It is a great group of artists, we have two new artists, one of which is Peter Wileman who has been president of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters.

"They are all top-end artists with considerable achievements. 

"The gallery is full of colour and I'm hoping there will be a bit of a buzz on the evening. 

"I am going to miss Ann, she did a lot but wanted to make the most of what time she has left and do some traveling whilst she is still fit and active."