Community groups can apply for grants of up to £10,000 for building work.

Organisations in the Cotswold District have until Friday, July 12 to apply for the funds.

The grants, provided by Cotswold District Council, are part of the Rural England Prosperity Fund and the government's Levelling Up agenda.


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With a focus on energy efficiency and digital connectivity, the funds are targeted towards improving village halls and community centres.

However, other improvements, such as better accessibility for disabled people and upgraded kitchen and toilet facilities, will also be considered.

Louise Fletcher, grants officer at the charity GRCC, which is administering the grants, said: "This is a great opportunity for village halls to fund energy efficiency and renewable energy for their buildings, such as by installing solar PV panels, battery storage, heat pumps, LED lighting, double glazing and insulation.

"Another area that Cotswold District Council is keen to support is funding better broadband and Wi-Fi for community buildings."

Ms Fletcher added: "But other capital projects will also be considered by the grants panel, so if there are any improvements you think your village hall or community centre needs, it's well worth applying."

The grants range between £2,000 and £10,000, with the requirement that community organisations provide 20 per cent match funding.

Application forms can be found on the GRCC website (