A UNIQUE sporting event that attracts spectators from across the world will take place at the end of this month.

The Cotswold Olimpick Games dates back to the 16th century and has only been cancelled once in recent history. 

The event was cancelled in 2007 due to major flooding that hit the area. 

The Olimpick Games are set to happen on May 31 at Dover's Hill near Chipping Campden. 

The games consist of several unique sporting challenges, including shin kicking, the Olimpick Grand Prix and the Olimpick Aquatics.

Andy Norton, chairman of the Robert Dover's Games Society said: "The games have a very long history. 

"This is the 412th games, it's the forerunner to the modern Olympics and an important part of the area's history.

"This year is an important year as it's an Olympic year. 

"It's not as good as the French one but I'm expecting it to be a good day out."

The games normally attract between 1,500 and 2,000 people each year, with spectators allowed to participate.

Mr Norton continued: "There is a natural amphitheatre that has been there for centuries, a nice atmosphere and incredible views.

"Last year we had people visit us from Australia and France as well as a team from America who all took part. 

"A lot of preparation goes into the games and I'm really looking forward to them. 

"I think the historical nature of the games and the fact that we try to do something different every year adds more interest. 

"Life is more difficult when it's wet and because people tend to sit on the ground it makes the games not so nice, so we are just hoping that the weather will pick up for the rest of the month."

The gates to the Cotswold Olimpicks will open at 4pm and there will be two arenas. 

The games will take place in the lower arena, whilst the upper arena will host a funfair and food stalls. 

New to this year's edition of the games is the 'Pedal Power vs Parkour' display which will be performed in the upper arena. 

The Cotswold Olimpicks is organised by volunteers, to volunteer visit: https://www.olimpickgames.co.uk/get-involved/volunteer-to-help-the-games/