MILKSHAKES designed by students have arrived at a popular coffee shop in Evesham. 

Brew Bear Coffee House in Evesham is now offering milkshakes for the first time since new owner Rob Robinson took over around a year ago. 

The milkshakes have all been designed by students from Chipping Campden school, many of whom live in Evesham.

The journey started in January, where Mr Robinson was asked to join a business conference at the school, where students presented their ideas for what they thought would make a good milkshake. 

After sorting out all of the logistics, milkshakes hit the store only a month ago and are extremely popular amongst the youth. 

Cotswold Journal: Rob Robinson (right), James Slattery, (Business Studies tutor, left)Rob Robinson (right), James Slattery, (Business Studies tutor, left) (Image: Rob Robinson)

Mr Robinson said: "The students came up with some really good ideas, they did all the costings and the ingredients, they did a really thorough job.

"One student came up with the idea to do a huge milkshake that would be free if you were able to finish it, but we haven't done that yet. 

"The most popular one is definitely the Oreo."

The coffee shop currently sells around eight to nine different milkshakes including Oreo, Vanilla, Kinder Bueno and Creme Egg, with plans to add more and to even provide seasonal options.

Mr Robinson continued: "Sales from the whole range have been really good. 

"Though the school is not in Evesham a lot of students live here. 

"Kids suggested the ideas, so why wouldn't kids from Evesham want to try them?

"I thought it was best to listen to the people who buy them as the vast majority are youthful."

All of the students involved in the project have been given vouchers for a free milkshake to try their creations. 

Mr Robinson said: "Customers like the fact that students have come up with the flavours. 

"People do like them, they look good and if they continue to sell for us then that's good too.

"I don't think that anyone expected the milkshakes to actually make it to sale, but after working through a lot a logistics, they have and that's wonderful. 

"The milkshakes are adverts for Blue Bear when people are walking around Evesham with them."