A 41-year-old drink driver who was almost four times the drink drive limit has been hit with a substantial ban and hefty fine. 

Duncan McKenzie of Wheatfield Court, Mickleton, Chipping Campden and previously of Cedar Close, Salford Priors, near Evesham, appeared in front of Worcester magistrates on Thursday (February 2).

The court heard on January 12 this year McKenzie was stopped by police on suspicion of drink driving a Citroen van on Hinton Road, Childswickham, Evesham. 

Cotswold Journal: CAUGHT: Duncan McKenzie was caught drink driving on Hinton Road, Evesham CAUGHT: Duncan McKenzie was caught drink driving on Hinton Road, Evesham (Image: Google)

McKenzie failed a roadside breathalyser test so was taken to the police station. 

The evidential specimen of breath he gave was 137mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath - close to four times the limit of 35mcg.

McKenzie admitted the offence of driving when his alcohol level was above the legal limit during the hearing of his case. 

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McKenzie was given a 36-month ban from driving which will be reduced by 36 weeks if he successfully completes a drink-drive awareness course. 

He was given a one-year community order in which he must complete 20 rehabiliation days and six months of alcohol treatment.

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McKenzie was fined £1,041 and told to pay costs of £135 and victim surcharge of £114.

Magistrates ordered he pay the total, £1,290, in full by March 2.

Mark Hambling prosecuted while Gary Harper defended McKenzie during the hearing.