A consultation has opened into plans for a new development of up to 90 homes in Chipping Norton.

Rainier Developments Limited is hoping to build up to 90 homes, including 40 per cent affordable homes, as well as landscaping improvements and public open space on land south of Banbury Road.

The development next to the town's cricket club would be set back from Banbury Road, behind existing trees, while new woodland planting is proposed to the east of the site to enhance biodiversity, the developer said.

Vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access to the site is proposed from a new priority T-junction with a right-turn lane from Banbury Road.

The proposed development is not part of the East Chipping Norton Strategic Development Area, and is not currently allocated in the West Oxfordshire District Council Local Plan.

Cotswold Journal:

However, the council is currently unable to demonstrate a five year housing land supply and must apply what is known as a “tilted balance” where there is a “presumption in favour of sustainable development” even on land that the district has not allocated for housing unless robust enough planning reasons can be offered for refusal.

Rainier Developments Limited is running a consultation and said it will collate all feedback and once it has finalised plans for the site, will submit an outline planning application to West Oxfordshire District Council, which will undertake its own consultation on the application.

The public consultation, which launched on January 11, closes on January 25 at contact@banburyconsultation.co.uk