WARNING letters have been sent to motorists clocked speeding in Chipping Norton recently.

It follows a police crackdown on speeding in the town, an issue that was highlighted as the second highest priority by the town's Neighbourhood Action Group.

Sergeant Rosemary Dilsaver said the Chipping Norton Neighbourhood Team has increased its use of the Speed Indicator Device (SID).

"A recent operation, conducted on Worcester Road between 3pm and 4.30pm, saw 176 vehicles pass through the device. Twenty-four of these exceeded 35mph and warning letters have been sent to the drivers.

"It is well worth remembering that if a vehicle hits an adult pedestrian at 30mph, their survival chance is 80 per cent. When the same vehicle is travelling at 40mph, the pedestrian's chance of survival drops to just 10 per cent," said Sgt Dilsaver in her latest neighbourhood police report.