A MAN who lives near Bourton says he became seriously ill after catching the MRSA super bug while in Cheltenham General Hospital - and was then charged about £34,000 for the treatment he received there.

Fursa Hogan, 77, of Cold Aston village, expected to receive a bill for the treatment because he was originally admitted as a private patient undergoing hip replacement.

However, he said £21,000 of the bill was for the time he spent in the Intensive Care Unit as a National Health Service (NHS) patient being treated for MRSA he caught in the hospital.

Originally admitted in April, he chose to be treated privately to get his hip replacement completed swiftly.

He went home after five days but started feeling pain all over his body about six days later and was diagnosed with septicaemia and renal failure.

Re-admitted to the hospital, Mr Hogan spent 10 days in intensive care where he claims a doctor assured him he was being treated as an NHS patient.

He returned home after a further four days in the private Knightsbridge ward.

Mr Hogan said his private BUPA health insurance paid the bill but his premiums have consequently increased.

He said: “I believe I caught MRSA while in hospital.

“The hospital dispute this, saying I could’ve got it on the bus.

“One doesn’t go around picking up MRSA.

“It really knocks the stuffing out of you.

“It will take me the best part of a year to get over it.

“I should’ve been treated as NHS and also I picked MRSA in their hospital, so why should I pay for their mistake and their lack of cleanliness?”

Gloucestershire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust’s spokeswoman said: “We’re sorry he’s unhappy with his care but we cannot discuss individual cases.”