OXFORDSHIRE County Council is encouraging residents to become short break carers.

The role involves caring for youngsters for one or two nights a month, which provides opportunities for disabled children to make new friends and give families an often much-needed break from their day-to-day duties.

The county council’s fostering and adoption team is encouraging existing volunteers to spread the word as part of Share the Care Week.

There are currently 26 short break carers in Oxfordshire who support 23 families.

Chipping Norton residents Kyla Bates, aged 35, and husband Paul, 38, have been short break carers since 2009.

The couple, who have two of their own children, decided to get involved as they felt they had something positive to offer.

Mrs Bates said: "There wasn't really a particular reason which made us get involved, but we thought that we could give something back, which was important to us.

"The parents are so grateful for what we do and that helps make the whole thing to be massively rewarding, as does the positive reactions of the children we care for.”

Maria White, recruitment officer in the council's fostering and adoption team, said: "We know that word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of recruiting new carers and we're looking to raise awareness locally by putting a spotlight on the fantastic all-round benefits of being a short break carer.”

People interested in becoming a short break carer should call 0800 7835724, email fostering@oxfordshire.gov.uk or write Family Placement, Knights Court, 21 Between Towns Road, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 3LX.